What is NIRA power? And how it is reshaping India?

The last few months have been exciting; we had over 10,000 people sign up on our waitlist. NIRA was pretty curious to see how some of our users would work with the loans NIRA gave them. So here we are sharing our top 4 picks that we think illustrate how NIRA can be empowering.

Power to travel the world.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover. — Mark Twain

Ah! Did you feel it? What these words did to your heart. Did you sense the yearning? Could you almost feel the wind in your hair and smell the salty sea?

That’s what travel does to you. It’s said that travel expands your mind, rejuvenates your soul and re-instills a sense of purpose and wonder in your life. So, why let finances get in your way?

Vijay surely did not let that stop him! This month Vijay used NIRA power to fund a weekend family trip to Goa so that his budding chef son could try out some new cuisine and aspiring photographer daughter could practice her skill in the beautiful Goan beaches. Traveling can be expensive, but NIRA allows you to spread the expense in small-sized EMIs that you can comfortably repay over a year.

So, what are you waiting for? Go on now, pack that backpack, bring along your must-have. Your wings are ready!

Are We Super Human now?

Over the centuries, humans evolved, and their tools developed even faster. At break-neck speed! Our ancestors were amazed by the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel. Imagine their bewilderment when they discover that we can fly across continents in a matter of hours, converse and see a person who is oceans away and share information with a click of our finger! For them, it would be nothing less than some sort of sorcery or superpower!

In our physical built we are very similar to the last human species that emerged about 200,000 years ago: Homo Sapiens. But in comparison, the modern man seems like a superhuman. Kudos to his super tools!

It is our tools that allowed us to explore this planet and discover that it’s round. It is our tools that help us understand, the sun, the stars and the galaxies that surround us. It’s our tools that let us travel and communicate at express speeds. Just like how Thor flies and saves the world with his hammer. But sometimes hammers break and need an upgrade. When that happens, thankfully you don’t have to travel to another galaxy to upgrade like Thor had to do in Infinity Wars.
When Neha dropped her old phone, she used her NIRA power to upgrade to a brand new one with better features! Maybe your super-power is a camera with 800mm zoom lens that brings objects closer or that new Macbook pro that lets you illustrate like a wizard?

Power to expand your mind.

“Stretch your mind and fly” — Whitney M. Young.

Michelangelo at age 87, famously said, “I am still learning.” Growth is continuous, and there is no age to stop learning. Learning to mind is what exercise is to muscles. Education does not end after college, that’s when it truly begins. An expanded mind is a formidable weapon that nobody can take away from you.

What do you want to learn next? Is there a coding workshop that you’ve been dreaming about? A music, photography or dance course that you’ve been itching to try? Maybe it’s one of these fantastic online certificates! I say go for it; you’ll only come out wiser and enriched at the end of it. Take me for example, I recently funded my GMAT coaching and French language class. Every time I am learning something new I can literally feel my brain expand. It’s so empowering!

Yes, learning does come at a cost, but thankfully your NIRA power has got it covered. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin- “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Power to the promised paradise.

Happiness. Just a nine letters word that promises paradise. And, what if someone told you that you hold the key? That’s a whole lotta responsibility! What will you do with this super privilege? Would you comfort a loved one, elevate the distressed, help a stranger?

We are 7 billion, soon going to be 9 billion. However, it seems, instead of coming together, we are falling apart. We are so many, yet so lonely? Harvard conducted a 75-year-old study on a pertinent question: What makes a good life? The director of the research Robert Waldinger states, “Well, the lessons aren’t about wealth or fame or working harder and harder. The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.”

Watch his TED talk here.

When was the last time you nurtured your relationships, surprised your loved ones or made somebody happy? Don’t worry; it’s never too late. Sneha knew this secret all along. The first thing she did with her NIRA power was gift her brother a bike to help him commute to his new job. And let’s not forget Vijay, who surprised his family with a much-needed vacation.

But enough about them. Let’s talk about you. If you had the NIRA power, what would you do?

Tell me at shivani.baghel@nirafinance.com to get featured for the next NIRA story and stand a chance to gain access to up to Rs 1 lakh credit line.


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